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What happens if a device I purchase gets blocked in the future?

Swappa prevents blocked devices from being listed in our marketplace thanks to our listing review process and our device criteria requirements. However, in the uncommon event that a device gets blocked after it was purchased, the first step is to report the problem to the seller.

Sellers must resolve this type of issue to keep their Swappa account in good standing.

  • If a seller is uncooperative with resolving an issue like this, buyers are covered by PayPal's payment protections through the dispute resolution process. These PayPal payment protections are valid for up to 180 days from purchase.
  • If this issue is reported outside of PayPal’s 180-day protection period, the seller is expected to provide reimbursement based on the current market value of the device, or to provide a comparable replacement device. If the seller is unwilling to resolve the issue as per Swappa policy, many payment sources (e.g., banks, credit card companies, etc.) offer additional protections that can be taken advantage of.

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